
dimanche 18 octobre 2015

very white teeth

Many of us want to have a good smile with beautiful white teeth. Beyond the basic lifestyle tips, like avoiding smoking, drinking too much coffee and brushing subject themselves to three sessions a day, what techniques are both safe and effective?"In case of staining food 'type coffee, tea, tobacco, it is necessary to conduct a thorough descaling followed by polishing," says the French Dental Association (ADF). Most often, scaling and polishing enough to make them shine to your baby teeth. However, the ADF can "propose whitening toothpastes" to use in alternation with the usual toothpaste for maintenance. " Be still vigilant and always ask your dentist about choosing the product.However for some, the discoloration may be more pronounced. In this case, the dentist, after scaling, can realize a clarification. To do this, "it will use hydrogen peroxide-based products to try to get a clarification."

It offers several solutions:
The so-called outpatient technique. "From a footprint of dental arches, we proceed to the implementation of flexible plastic gutters. They will be used to impregnate the teeth of a carbamide peroxide gel (containing hydrogen peroxide) in the home ";
Technical chair. In this case, the dentist-surgeon uses the largest concentrations of gel but in a much shorter period of time. "If we want stability, it is preferable to continue treatment chair for a few nights in outpatient."The first results should appear in eight days. Note however that removing tobacco, coffee and tea is imperative. "In all cases, these treatments can be conceived as gums and teeth healthy," says the ADF. "Finally, it is reasonable not to make rash promises, because the bleaching can lead to insufficient or inconsistent results especially for patients waiting too."As for the famous smile bars, there are also particularly vigilant. Bleaching is a matter for the dental procedure in itself. In general, if you want to whiten your teeth, always consult a dentist. It will even inform you about the grandmothers remedies. Lemon or baking soda are really not recommended, especially if you value your teeth enamel ...


your beauty deserves to be half of your personality.

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